The End of America???

The End of America???

YES, we are living in and witnessing the end of the United States of America. All human experience is temporal, human beings, nations, and institutions are born, live and die. We have heard Ben Franklin’s quote when asked by a woman waiting outside the Constitutional...
Extraordinary Times 2020-2026

Extraordinary Times 2020-2026

We are living in extraordinary times. Throughout human history people often consider their own era unique, a perspective that is understandable in their personal experience. Each period establishes its own value within our human and collective evolution and...
There is a reason – Nov 7th

There is a reason – Nov 7th

1776, Civil War, extreme political division, political violence have become a significant percentage of our national dialogue. WHY? Yes, we have been this divided before in the 1850’s prior to the Civil War and, yes, we have flirted with Fascism before in the...